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Blockchain works

4. [Under submission] Blockchain..

Using persistent homology based ideas, we offer an elegant, easily extendable and computationally light approach for graph representation learning on Blockchain networks to predict cryptocurrency prices.

3. Bitcoin Risk Modeling with Blockchain Graphs in Economics Letters

We identify certain sub-graphs ('chainlets') that exhibit predictive influence on Bitcoin price and volatility, and characterize the types of chainlets that signify extreme losses.

2. Forecasting Bitcoin Price with Graph Chainlets (PAKDD 2018)

We introduce a novel concept of chainlets, or Bitcoin subgraphs, which allows us to evaluate the local topological structure of the Bitcoin graph over time

1. Blockchain: A Graph Primer

Aug 2017 Version 1.1

We offer a holistic view on Blockchain. Starting with a brief history, we give the building blocks of Blockchain, and explain their interactions. As graph mining has become a major part its analysis, we elaborate on graph theoretical aspects of the Blockchain technology

0. Blockchain Data Sets

Bitcoin Graph Dataset: We provide annual and monthly data on the Bitcoin graph.